Haylage is one of the basic feeds in cattle nutrition. It can be prepared, among others on prisms secured with film or in bales.
It is worth remembering that the correct execution of silage and haylage of the highest quality is an investment in the future. The high value of roughage combined with good concentrated feeds allows achieving high herd efficiency and maintaining it in good health.
So how to obtain the best quality haylage?
The right moment to mow the grass.
Most specialists believe that the most appropriate mowing date should coincide with the heading stage. This allows the best use of the potential of fodder plants. The later they are mowed, the lower the protein content in the feed and the higher the fiber content. It is worth noting that haylage from older grasses has lower digestibility. The most valuable during the year is the haylage from the first swath. Many people are also unaware that the best time of day is noon and afternoon because of the highest concentration of sugars in plants. Too early mowing reduces sugar levels, and too late one – reduces the nutritional value and digestibility of silage. The height of mowing the grass is also important. A suitable height is 5 to 8 cm above the ground.
Preparation of haylage.
Haylage can be prepared, among others on prisms secured with film or in bales. The first method involves some risk associated with air access. And this can cause considerable losses. That is why it is worth considering the second way. However, in this case it is necessary to purchase the necessary equipment and high-quality haylage film. When choosing films for wrapping bales , check if the film has high puncture resistance, UV protection and high stickiness, which is responsible for the bale tightness. It is also worth using different colors of film to distinguish individual haylage swaths.
If you want more information, please contact our Sales Department.
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